If Only I Could Catch Your Mother's Ear
How do I make buddies with the wind? My yell is not vigorous, I can hardly convey my intention. I’m having a question of doubt if you could react instantly when I come to you. But I definitely know that your mother will move you. And that’s true. Somehow I feel like I’m transparent, I know that you know me, But do you ever identify what’s in me. If only the wind could blow in your mom’s ear my message, I know that Mama's are superb in empathizing, And that would give me hope! Hope that someone, somewhere out there is conveying my intention on my behalf. I know that Mama's are superb in empathizing , And that would give me an optimistic approach to this situation, For I know that chances are that you’ll listen to your Mama, You wouldn’t be disobedient, would you? Cause I know for a fact that obedience is listed on your key principles, Yes I know, I know just as the way a monitor would preview whatever the CCTV captures, I know that I know ...