If Only I Could Catch Your Mother's Ear

How do I make buddies with the wind?
My yell is not vigorous, I can hardly convey my intention.
I’m having a question of doubt if you could react instantly when I come to you.
But I definitely know that your mother will move you.
And that’s true.
Somehow I feel like I’m transparent,
I know that you know me,
But do you ever identify what’s in me.
If only the wind could blow in your mom’s ear my message,
I know that Mama's are superb in empathizing,
And that would give me hope!
Hope that someone, somewhere out there is conveying my intention on my behalf.
I know that Mama's are superb in empathizing,
And that would give me an optimistic approach to this situation,
For I know that chances are that you’ll listen to your Mama,
You wouldn’t be disobedient, would you?
Cause I know for a fact that obedience is listed on your key principles,
Yes I know,
I know just as the way a monitor would preview whatever the CCTV captures,
I know that I know cause John captured in his second chapter
And I can view from my Bible,
Yes I can view you giving an ear to your mother.
She is saying they have no wine,
You question what this has to do with you and say your hour hasn’t come yet
And yet you tell the servants to fill the Jars.
It’s all superb.



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