Sweat Blood
Sweat blood,
Word so live as a trade kings add.
When our math teacher said I’ll make you sweat blood for the noise,
We all went tongue-tied, the talkative tight-lipped, so frosty he put us in a cold
The next time someone said university physics will make you sweat blood,
I never saw up and down activity as I had seen a week before the exam.
Like caesium 133 producing 9 192 631 770 circles of radiation in a second, we was
Word so live and heavy as a Bugatti Veyron engine.
Nobody never wants to hear it, but we are subjected just as poor threads of a
wrinkled shirt playing touch with the pressing ion.
Approaching like a lion,
Someone please make me stone deaf defend me with spring watered terms from this
harsh tag for the weak
Meant to scare the shit off, damn I am developing goose bumps, anybody to get me
some booze need to warm up.
Its crushing my wind pipe mmmmhhhh I can barely breath.
With my eyes on the material I can’t feel the love and freedom in my operations,
Forced to burn the midnight oil for a college degree, it makes me sweat blood,
I can’t buy bread for my kid, pay rent for ma baby momma with my last dime so I
need to work, this all got me sweating blood.
Living a life of uncertainty where everybody needs a private channel to operate with
certainty, man I fill a bucket daily with a sweat of blood.
I don’t know if this phrase is a hyperbole, but I see it get life as a metaphor.
I need a hand out but for being a fan of Tosh, I’ll be like “Nobody’s business but my
“So you better, leave my business.”
Yes, I can’t see it though, but pride had my body invaded as the giants in the
No beans-stalk for the excuse, Jack is out, I’m playing young man Thor,
I join the mortals; the way my Lord did.
Yes, he too had sweat blood,
Becoming humbler, from divinity he became a mortal.
Let me loose grip of my pride before I turn stone to bread if I had the capacity.
Slip off Mr. pride I don’t want to slip from this building,
You poke my will so should we say jump off the building.
I won’t go down on my knees, lose my dignity, for abstract honour.
We don’t do that it’s a taboo out here,
We know the process he came to show as,
Entirely depend on the Father,
It is possible to hold on to trust, to love, this was the incarnation.
So you can set more drums,
Will sweat more blood and fill them to the brim,
Will go hemati… whatever and all that stuff, I don’t know, never been to med
But am certain it won’t affect the eternal, if only we trust and obey.
Obedience to the point of death.
Beautifully written🙌🏽💫 you should be proud