The Physicist Lamentation!

Fhhh fhhh,
Fhhh fhhh.
Big shame man, I can’t whistle even up to now,
Fhhh fhhh,
Well at least I can throw a stone,
Either ways, what’s the use,
A stone can only awake you when I make it land on your roof,
It’s like a scalar you can barely tell the direction,
The impulse between your roof and my stone is so intense, I’m able to hook up in your thoughts,
Sad, I can’t draw you to myself.
I wish I could whistle,
That way you can follow the vibrations of the sound I make.
Sorry I put us in static equilibrium, as you try to figure out the direction of the impulse on your roof.
I know it’s my duty as a man to hit the accelerator,
Trust me I try to but mine seems to be centripetal.
My fault I know, I’m comfortable like this knowing you’re much closer as the radius is infinitesimal.
My fear in following a straight trajectory is that you’ll only bolt and zoom from this our chemistry
They aren’t no externals out there you’ll only leave me constantly.
With Sir Isaac Newton’s 3rd law, should I say will rather go apart.
As you move to the British Engineering system leaving me in the SI.
How do I do the unit conversion when I’m data less.
I can’t Joba now my school was closed indefinitely,
Plus, I’m an appealer Prof. Luo already sent me back to the pick and shovel life style.
So please forgive me I’ll keep going centripetal.
Until I learn the conversions and become bold enough to catch up when you fly away constantly, will
I set my foot off the centripetal accelerator.
Till then, I’ll be gathering my stones for your roof,
Hoping you figure out the direction, or I learn to whistle. As I enjoy my Red wine🍷


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