
Showing posts from May, 2018

Lost Hope

They say one who sings prays twice, well I have been lamenting and I don’t think the guy upstairs has ever gotten me. If only I was there, During the period of 27 - 33 Anno Domini, I could have seen my Savior teach, preach, and bleach human ignorance. If only I was there When John testified concerning the light, I could have taken share and might have been a star in the night, That would have been light enough for everyone to heed this clew of worms stretching out and grabbing my hair as a mountain climber who just stumbled, So they hold onto a cliff lest they fall to the ground, But they rather let me fall prey to exploitation. If only I had the privilege of hearing John say, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world,”   Perhaps the Lamb could have been a crane to lift these heavy weaknesses off my shoulders, For I can hardly bear them, They buffet me and I’m getting to lose my figure as a child. If only I was there to...

A neglected Brethren

I sat in my room late evening, breaking the day, I’m an insomniac, I hardy sleep moreover I had a short day, So I get connected to have a chat with bae. But bae bothers not to make out my manner, I’ve been shaped into an Israelite waiting on Manna, But manna hardly falls on media. Meanwhile, There is this other friend I haven’t spoken to, They’ve been there 24/7. They’ve been there offline and online, They’ve been there print and electronic, They’ve been there at a charge and on free basics. And are still here, I don’t need no eye catch.. But how like a frozen dessert, I leave them in the cold for the main meal. And from the main meal my desires are filled, am all good. I don’t need no dessert. Yet they still say come, They put cards on table on how like a peach tree I’ll bear fruit. I penetrate, posses and perceive the picture. But discernment is a thorn in my side, Just a thought of it puts a Bugatti veyron engine on my shoulders...

My Honest Poem, My Teenage Life.

My Teenage Life At thirteen I mocked a friend after class, The next thing I saw was a fist land between my eyes like a swinging Bob suspended to a pendulum with force as a car engine... Then I realized humanity will not always have familiar feelings in the face of the earth... Again At thirteen, On my way to fourteen, I got admission to a junior secondary school as a fresh teen. I was given some pants which I feel I would resize even if I were forty two, and I wasn't having no belt. I held them tight the way my two year old nephew would hold his coin. Finally after sitting like an eight months pregnant woman who has just found comfort, I went on feet with baggy arms. The next thing I saw was the girl standing close by hold her hand to her mouth like she's  seen the Hindus light there fire on a Diwali, Then I felt the breeze hoover round my legs. Am a food freak after class, but that day I first fetched my belt and had it on my school pants for the n...

A complicated purpose

Just what is the difference between a call and feelings, Is this from God, whose voice is it? From where does the “supreme voice” come from? Am I going to keep on clucking over direction? This day I get this feeling tomorrow the other. Who puts this in me? Heart, feelings, mind, conscience, just what is it? Laws, logic, Love who do I trust? Surely I don’t wanna miss out in life, But will I still find my truest joy. Do I get to live a life of regretting? Am I supposed to overcome, or do I trust and obey. But how do I know which is which. All in all, nothing is evil. Am I going to be labelled a Label? Do I get mockery? Or respect? Am now getting to lose the idea picture of myself. Are these questions helping or delaying? Is there even a need to rush? When one day my body ll be dinner for the guys down there. Can I make a heaven for myself now, or I prepare for it. Is the offer even there? Perhaps I only get a choice of preparing. But do I get to prepare on my own?...

An Enemy of conscience

My heart told me to stop, We were two magnets of the same pole facing each other. I guess you know what happened, if you've been in a physics class. My conscience gave a piercing cry in a frenzied way... I played crackpot, Every day, every moment, the teeny voice called in, I took my volcano headsets and played rambunctious melody…. Oops…  the red button has been hit, so sorry teeny. Teeny calls in again, ding dong! Then I bounce like a ping pong, Feeling strong, Nothing wrong, And conduct went on like a song. Finally Failure Falls in Like a pedestrian I see a dodge power wagon an inch away in the middle of the road I looked at it the way a mole in a mole hill looks at an elephant’ foot I try to jump up just to notice am trying to overcome mount Everest Can my conscience clue in now that am willing to communicate…. Damn… it requires restoration by reason I ruined it. Thank you, Rabson KangwaMavura.