Lost Hope
They say one who sings prays twice, well I have been lamenting and I don’t think the guy upstairs has ever gotten me. If only I was there, During the period of 27 - 33 Anno Domini, I could have seen my Savior teach, preach, and bleach human ignorance. If only I was there When John testified concerning the light, I could have taken share and might have been a star in the night, That would have been light enough for everyone to heed this clew of worms stretching out and grabbing my hair as a mountain climber who just stumbled, So they hold onto a cliff lest they fall to the ground, But they rather let me fall prey to exploitation. If only I had the privilege of hearing John say, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world,” Perhaps the Lamb could have been a crane to lift these heavy weaknesses off my shoulders, For I can hardly bear them, They buffet me and I’m getting to lose my figure as a child. If only I was there to...