A complicated purpose

Just what is the difference between a call and feelings,
Is this from God, whose voice is it?
From where does the “supreme voice” come from?
Am I going to keep on clucking over direction?
This day I get this feeling tomorrow the other.
Who puts this in me?
Heart, feelings, mind, conscience, just what is it?
Laws, logic, Love who do I trust?
Surely I don’t wanna miss out in life,
But will I still find my truest joy.
Do I get to live a life of regretting?

Am I supposed to overcome, or do I trust and obey.
But how do I know which is which.
All in all, nothing is evil.
Am I going to be labelled a Label?
Do I get mockery? Or respect?
Am now getting to lose the idea picture of myself.
Are these questions helping or delaying?
Is there even a need to rush?
When one day my body ll be dinner for the guys down there.

Can I make a heaven for myself now, or I prepare for it.
Is the offer even there? Perhaps I only get a choice of preparing.
But do I get to prepare on my own?
Is it a friend that I need or a bunch of philosophers?
Whose gonna give the best advice.
Am I going to grow all alone in the woods?
Well I ain’t having no teeth, someone got to gimme some milk.
Yes milk,
Breast milk.
Who or What I am? Who or What I’ll be?
Well I'm only having answers to one.
Change or Growth, what is vital now?
Even on a straight road I do not know how to move.
Can I become someone's puppet,
at least I’ll have someone to blame in the end of the day.
But my pride won’t lemme become one.
So great and deep is the belief in oneself this fella is having.
And so lost is this proud fella.
His proud he doesn’t need a counselor.
Can this be the reason his lost?

Thank you,
Rabson KangwaMavura.


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