Lost Hope

They say one who sings prays twice,
well I have been lamenting and I don’t think the guy upstairs has ever gotten me.

If only I was there,
During the period of 27 - 33 Anno Domini,
I could have seen my Savior teach, preach, and bleach human ignorance.

If only I was there
When John testified concerning the light,
I could have taken share and might have been a star in the night,
That would have been light enough for everyone to heed this clew of worms
stretching out and grabbing my hair as a mountain climber who just stumbled,
So they hold onto a cliff lest they fall to the ground,
But they rather let me fall prey to exploitation.

If only I had the privilege of hearing John say,
“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world,”  
Perhaps the Lamb could have been a crane to lift these heavy weaknesses off my shoulders,
For I can hardly bear them,
They buffet me and I’m getting to lose my figure as a child.

If only I was there to see the spirit come down and remain,
Maybe I might have had a deep
and non compromised belief,
For when challenges gun me down,
I begin to question.

If only he had called me to follow him,
to walk with him,
and dine with him.
Perhaps I wouldn’t have been in this turmoil,

I need Help with Hope.
Pessimism is having me attached to it as a crackhead and dope.
Achievement, ambition and anticipation is a steep slope.
I’m slipping.

No point of operation,
stance is eating up my mind as thirsty fleas on a mammal.
They've sucked my principal, productivity and position my posture is pumped
It's wasted more than blood of the woman who had hemorrhage.

How will holding the robe of Jesus help this time when I'm skeptic.
I'm skeptic I seek security, safety and I can't sacrifice.

Yes, I can’t sacrifice.
Cause this word had big blunt nails pierce through someone's flesh as an arrow
launched on an idle impala.
It knocked them down on ternary occasions.
And on ternary occasions they were put down.
A crown of thorns placed on them.
I can only imagine how the thorns would scribble round their head as it was
being placed.

And I ask myself, am I ready?
It’s fancy fortune and feathers to fly that I seek.
From a distance I gaze a golden glittering gemstone.
I look at the path to it.
I’m reminded of the Guy who Sacrificed.

Can I label?
Of course I want to,
But I see my delight diminishing as smoldering wick.

And He says,

“ look, I too was a bruised reed and yet kept firm.
Of course I could have risen magnificent just there,
but that ain’t no glory compared,
See how years have been numbered.
Who do you think I did it for?
All for you.
Never lose hope in my power, for I only “I am” and I have the capacity to serve you wholly.
Pray and don’t lose heart.
For I know the plans I have for you,
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
Plans to give you hope and a future.
And behold, I am with you always,
Even to the consummation of the age.”



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